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August 22 New Student Registration begins
August 29 Classes start - contact your instructors for details

Career Fair 2021

The Maritime Vocational Training Center, like many other CMI departments participated in the Ministry of Education’s Career Fair 2021 at CMI Uliga Campus on Monday, February 22, 2021 commencing at 10:00am to 3:00pm.  We had students from the Elementary and High Schools around Majuro visiting the campus and enjoying the different professions we showcased.  The training center showcased equipment and giving out brochures and explained how to go about attending the short courses.  The students young and older ones enjoyed shooting water and foam from our fire-extinguishers, simulating extinguishing a fire.  They were pushing each other trying to get a go but all got a chance and were happy to learn a safety skill.  The MVTC will be going around the island to schools and instructing students to prevent and fight fires, if it would come to that.